A blog about the candid thoughts and day-to-day life of a 25 year old mother and wife.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pay Days Are The Best Days!

J and I got paid today. He was underpaid on his last paycheck due to some timekeeping glitch, so our employer made up for it on today's check. I was able to pay all of our bills with money leftover, so I decided to order our daughter, S, a new car seat. I ordered her a Graco Nautilus, which was recommended to me by a friend of a friend who happens to be a car seat technician. The Graco Nautilus retails for about $179 at Babies R Us but Walmart has them on sale right now for $139 with free shipping, so I ordered it from there. They also have quite a few different options to choose from. I ordered the Graco Nautilus in the style Raya. I love the pattern! I am admittedly a sucker for pink when it comes to little girls, even though I'm making more of an effort to buy gender-neutral stuff for my kids, just in case we decide to have a third child and it turns out being a boy. However, the Nautilus car seat will most likely go to H once she's big enough, so I figured getting something girly would be okay.

Isn't it cute?

Other than that, my tummy is a little upset and I'm not sure if it's from the coffee I'm drinking or from being overly worried about H. She's been sick with a cold all week and has had a stuffy nose, and since babies are strict nose-breathers, that kind of worries me... like, a lot. I'm trying so hard not to think about it, but I can't help it. I love H so much and just don't want anything to happen to her. I especially worry about her because shortly after she was born, she was diagnosed with severe acid reflux. In her case, it's very serious, so we have to give her medication twice a day. Her congestion these past 4 days has been triggering her acid reflux despite her being on medication for it, so I've been a wreck all week, especially now that I'm back to work. I actually stayed home from work on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday so I could take care of her. I was hoping she would be fully recovered by now, but her little cold is just lingering.

Anyway, nothing real exciting is going on other than that. I'm so glad it's Friday and that I have the entire weekend to look forward to.

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