A blog about the candid thoughts and day-to-day life of a 25 year old mother and wife.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Famine In Somalia

Work was okay today but boring as hell. It was very slow throughout most of the day so I found myself sitting there going stir-crazy. We're not supposed to read books or go online, because the bank wants us to focus more on customers, even though it's been super-slow. I can seriously feel my mind turning to mush when I'm sitting there doing nothing. I snuck online for a little bit to balance my checkbook and read the news because I like to stay informed about what's happening in the world. Today I came across an article on CNN about the famine in Somalia and it really tugged at my heart strings -- and makes me feel disgraceful for complaining about petty things like boredom at work when there are more pressing issues happening in the world.

It's so horrible what is going on in Somalia right now. The U.N. has declared famine in parts of southern Somalia and according to them, it's the worst starvation seen in Africa in 20 years. Thousands of children have died and more than two million children are in need of food. Some children only have days left to live because the conditions are so bad there. In addition to a famine, they also have a terrible drought which is depriving people of clean drinking water.

UNICEF describes the condition of the children as 3 and 4 year olds with bodies the size of 9 month old babies, wrinkled skin, and sunken eyes. Could you imagine living in such a place, without access to food or clean drinking water, and other basic necessities? Those of us who live in the United States are so privileged, and I don't think most people even realize just how fortunate they are. Even those who don't have much, they're still so much better off than millions of others, and that's something to be so thankful for. Americans have become so spoiled.

I made a $30 donation to UNICEF, which my employer will match, so technically I've helped contribute $60 so far, and I will likely donate more. I strongly encourage anyone reading this to drop what you're doing and make a donation to UNICEF as well to help save the starving children in Africa. Please do this. You could truly help save a life. $10 is enough to feed a child in Somalia for 10 days, and many employers have gift matching programs and will match whatever contribution you make. Please click here to make your donation to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

It seriously breaks my heart that such horrible things are happening in the world.

We are so blessed and so fortunate to have access to such basic necessities like food, water, and shelter, which are things we take for granted every single day. Seeing these images and reading these stories makes me realize just how lucky we are.

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